2020 Grad Season Is Here!

Congratulations Class of 2020!
Whether your loved one is graduating from preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school, college, or post-graduate school, he/she has accomplished so much and is moving on to greater endeavors. It is just unfortunate that during this time of quarantine, they will not get to experience graduating with their friends in the much anticipated fanfare of the graduation ceremony.
Here are a few cakes to inspire you as your family recognizes your graduate's hard work and dedication. Our featured cake is from Erika (California) with a cake from Knotts Berry Farm. Below are cakes from: Jeneen (New York) with a two-tiered cake, Vanessa (Texas) with a Toy Story themed cake, and Chelsea (Texas) with a rosette decorated sheet cake. These cakes showcase our Grad Cap Topper!

Last year we shared a graduation cake that had money on the cake and IN the cake using our Surprise Box kit. Our Grad Cap topper is compatible the the Surprise Box kit. The stakes of our this topper (as well as most of our other cake toppers) will fit into the slots of the roll clip included in the kit. So turn your celebration cake into a money gifting surprise!
We love sharing our customers' creative cake ideas! If you have pictures, videos, stories, and comments to share with us, please email us at: hello@themoneycake.com